
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Children... God's most beautiful creation

A picture is worth a thousand words, i have heard...

But this pic?? ... just two words - INFINITELY CUTE!! (Obviously... only the left half!! :-) )

My niece... Neha

(Unimportant:FYI, for those who don't know me personally... that's me on the right!)


R!$H!KE$# said...

Indeed, Gods most beautiful creation...and also some amout of effort on the Mans side..well to be politically correct, A fruit of labour, from 3 distinct entities... One of them from the metaphysical realm..and the others from the physical realm...

Chirag Khara said...

hey subbu...!! :)
Finally got a glimpse of your niece!![:)]
She is so cuteeeee!!!